
       Lenny Mayes (mostly a's)  If you chose mostly a's, then you have quite a bit in common with Lenny! This guy is most certainly sure of himself, and has no problem acting silly in public, because he knows that he can pull it off and still look cute! Lenny has that "forever young" attitude, and he isn't afraid of change. In fact, he pretty much welcomes the modernization and society changes that life throws in front of him.

      Winzell Kelly (mostly b's) You're laid-back and carefree. Worry is not in your vocabulary, because you try not to get worked up over small things. Winzell just likes to take one day at a time, to sit back and enjoy life. If you are like Winzell, then you probably believe that your hair is just as important as your clothes, because you are constantly experimenting with new hairstyles.

     Ron Banks (mostly c's) If you are like Ron, then you are smart, levelheaded, and friendly. You appreciate the simple things in life. When it comes to fashion, "fancy" is a dirty word. You like to be comfortable, but that doesn't mean that you don't care about your looks. Casual does not equal careless, and your wardrobe is full of neat and casual clothes. Organization is the key with you.

  Willie Ford (mostly d's) If "d" is the letter that you most frequently picked, then it must mean that you are alluring and mysterious, just like Willie Ford! You appear to be very serious, but sometimes you can't resist cracking an off-the-wall joke. When it comes to your personal style, hats are your staple. Top hats, fedoras, baseball caps, crushers---if it's a hat, it's in your closet.

L.J. Reynolds (mostly e's) If the majority of the answers you picked were letter "e", then L.J. is your inner Dramatic. Like L.J., you are very opinionated, and you love the limelight. You aren't afraid to express your opinions, because "what you see is what you get and the real thing is the best thing yet." Fashion plays a big role in helping you express yourself, and you wouldn't be caught dead wearing a raggedy sweatshirt or cutoff shorts in public. You love it when all eyes are on you, because it gives you a chance to show off your in-tact sense of humor and colorful ideas!

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